Election post

Our NUS must remain dedicated and committed to fighting for a free and liberated education for all. Over the last two years, the NUS has been at the forefront of our vibrant student movement. As the largest union in the country and our biggest representative body, it is pivotal that we have delegates that will defend this going forward.
If elected as your UCL NUS delegate, I will defend our movement on the conference floor and beyond. Our NUS is a crucial institution within the fight for free education, and I look forward to being part of fighting that it remains one that benefits us all.
I'm a trade unionist and socialist organiser with seven years of experience on the UK left - in the student movement and beyond. I recently was elected as student trustee on a pro-BDS and pro-UCU platform: my experience trying to these implement these changes within such a bureaucracy has trained me well for managing a similar task within NUS. Additionally, I currently sit on the society committees of UCL Labour and as UCL Students for Justice in Palestine.
I will defend a de-marketised education system within NUS and ensure we do not resort to capitulate on our demands or radical vision.
If you care about the struggle for a free, democratised, de-marketised, life-long and liberated education for all: vote for me! I have the experience, the energy and the dedication to this movement and will ensure that the NUS remains a positive force and maintains its commitment to a system that benefits us all. I am not here for the betterment of my status or career, and truly just care for representing the increasingly radical voice of UCL students within the NUS.
We must defend the radical legacy of the last two years and ensure we only go forward! ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!