Election post

I thoroughly understand the importance of such a conference as the NUS one and wish to engage with its importance in formulating policies that will better the welfare of students and staff. The NUS has the capability of mobilising students nation-wide. As reiterated below, I stand by free education, student-worker solidarity, fair pay, caped rent, equality in employment and education and more.
By pushing NUS to become an active vehicle for change across the UK, but most importantly UCL, we can make a difference. I will be sure to stand by this at the conference.
Transparency and reactionary behaviour. The first means I value the importance of honesty and success within the student body: having the ability to understand everyone’s wishes and aspirations for the union and consequently acting towards catering to your needs. Reactionary behaviour comes as a result of things gone wrong; which is inevitable in an ever-changing, fast-paced environment, ardently striving towards the betterment of our academics. I am well accustomed to the need to adapt, complete unforeseeable tasks at uncomfortable times, so that our goal is well achieved.
Free education. Student-worker solidarity. Fair and equal pay.
I am standing as a candidate for the UCL NUS Conference Delegate because I believe in the importance of optimism during crisis. As students, we hold the power to make a difference in our education but also within the workforce before we enter it or graduate. As I took part in the UCU strikes and marches, the UCL's trans and women rights campaigns as well as in the Palestine, Ukrainian and Yemen protests, things became clear - the possibility of change is within our student grasp.
Thank you for your trust!