Election post


Hi! I'm Ian and I'm running for re-election as acapella manager.

Over the past year, Helena and I have been managers for acapella and I hope you've had lots of fun singing, jamming, sometimes going to Mully's and often getting lost in songs :P

For next year, I can't promise much – it'll depend a lot on what we want to do and how we'll want to do it. What I can say is that underpinning any music we do will be the safe, inclusive space filled with warmth (and cheering whenever someone comes into a room because for some reason that's what we do) that acapella has been this year and will continue to be.

Some of the things that we haven't done as much this year (sorry!) that I will try to do more of next year:
- Dry socials: if someone can suggest a place we can go to that isn't a pub that'll be amazing :P
- New audition format: rather than audition everyone at the start of the year we'll try a new format such that more people can participate and we have a better gauge of commitment
- More technical stuff and music theory: we said we'll do this this year but somehow we just couldn't find the time – we'll dedicate more time to music theory (yes the squiggly things are rests) and singing technique