Election post


I first heard of the Mental Health Society during an interview with Krishtina, the president from last year. Her answers completely changed my perspective on anxiety. And after joining this society and participating in different events, I realized how important it is to destigmatize discussions on negative emotions. I am passionate about learning how to achieve this goal, not just through researching or in psychology classes, but through platforms given by this society. 

This year’s committee has done such amazing jobs in organizing creative events and I'd like to maintain such environments where everyone is welcome. If elected, I'd like to create events that still foster society's values. I believe that events like in-person coffee chats and journaling sessions can spark conversations on mental health while maintaining member engagement throughout the year because after all, this is what this society is: a safe space to occasionally come back to after long hard days. My second priority would be to spread mental health awareness to the wider student body. I'd like to increase fundraising events for local mental health organizations (e.g. YoungMinds/CALM) and invite professionals, ranging from professors to nutritionists, to give us insights on different aspects of mental health. 

Along with this society, I hope to provide inclusive platforms to understand different mental health issues. I look forward to exploring ways we can achieve this goal next year.