Election post


At the beginning of this academic year, I was elected your treasurer with the promise of well-funded political events, well-funded socials and to reinvigorate our incredible society. I look back on what we've achieved in these four months and believe both I and the rest of our committee have delivered.

However, my work is far from over. I will continue to deliver on my past promises and further commit to making our society more financially accessible than ever. As someone from a working-class, single parent family on the maximum SFE maintenance loan and UCL bursary, I understand how money can often be a barrier to political participation. I am proud that all of our events this year have never had a financial barrier, and have provided free food and drinks for all.

I'm a trade unionist with over six years of campaigning experience and a dedicated member of the Labour Party. As treasurer, I will continue to support you and this movement in every way that I can and ensure that we remain an active and campaigning force both on-campus and beyond.