Election post


Hi! I’m Haruna, a 2nd-year student. I’m running for events coordinator because Japan Society made my “uni experience”. The one friend I made at the very first event slowly grew into a friend group. With them, I’ve spent countless late nights, dying each other’s hair and playing UNO until 4am. I cannot express how grateful I am for them because I understand how lonely the "uni experience" can be as I spent my 1st year online. Next year, I hope to give back to the society by helping others live their “uni experience”.

As an events coordinator, my 2 goals are:

  • Boost transparency and communication between the committee and members to gain feedback and continuously improve events
  • Strike a better balance between social and cultural events to satisfy members with various interests

In fact, I’ve already taken initiative towards my first goal - check it out!

I strive to achieve these using the skills I’ve honed:

  • Leadership, management, and organization - Hosted a 24hr marathon, involving 44 members and raising over £1500 for charities
  • Problem-solving and communication - Led domestic and international sporting events for schools in East Asia
  • Understanding the deep cultural connection between Japan and UCL - Working with UCL admissions as a Japan ambassador 

Please vote for me to help others also live their “uni experience”:)

Reach out @haruna.doii on Insta to talk. Thank you! よろしくお願いします!