Election post

Your voice matters, and we will aim to ensure that your voices are heard! Our values find diversity and inclusion at their basis, and we (Kartik and Udaya) aim to foster the representation of international students at UCL. Our collaboration finds its roots in our understanding of each other's work ethics and close observations from our past associations in a working environment. May it be Udaya's ability to successfully run events or Kartik's quality to organize impactful social service campaigns, we provide to you a perfect blend ready to serve the international community at UCL.
Along with other Student Union office bearers, we believe we can bring a significant change, a change for the betterment of the students and the university. We plan on being approachable representatives that bridge the gap between the students and the Students’ Union.
Our policies aim to increase inclusivity, our attention radar will include both current and incoming international students. We wish to organize events such as open days and workshops by the UCLSU network to help current students get insights into work environments in the UK and abroad.
As a team, we aim to achieve all the goals listed above. We wish to do so by having weekly office hours for our fellow international students to come up to us and voice their concerns. May it be creating a robust platform for better representation of international students or the platform that gives better insights into scholarships and work environments to international students, we’ve got your backs! We are hardworking individuals who promise to deliver to our diverse electorate. Together we wish to make UCL a better and happier place for international students.