Election post


My name is Adam Charef, i am a first year student in International Social and Political Studies, majoring in International Relations. As a potential academic events director I know I already have some ideas for our society : 


  • Diversity in our events would be something i value. I would work to organise various events with speakers from all political backgrounds, to broaden our perspectives as a whole and avoid biases in the complex world of international relations.
  • To broaden the range of our events, by inviting speakers and guests of all spectrums of the geopolitical word. We would organise events ranging from public health, to security.


As a knowledge development director for impact initiative, I learned what it takes to work inside a UCL committee, while conforming to the Student union’s needs. Being academic events director, demands to be committed to the society as a whole, and to be opened to everyone's ideas. My experience with that stretches from being secretary general of my high school UN society, to president of my city’s youth environmental society. As such I humbly position myself to represent all of you, in an effort to make next year, one to remember.