Election post


I joined Ice Club for the bant. It was a sport that I was interested in but had no clue on how the game worked. On joining, I knew I was going to stay.

I'm sure you guys know who I am and most definitely have heard me screaming down the rink. I thoroughly enjoy my time at training and love being a mum to the C Team. As well as helping our current C Team Captain with whatever she needs, from communicating with other clubs to executing a game in her absence. 

As you all know, C Team is a tight-knit group that works well together, supporting and encouraging each other and I aim to keep that going. If elected I would coordinate with our Social Secs to organise C Team events to improve our team bonding while having fun. 

Working alongside the future C Team Captain, I will help in the planning of training, organisation of matches, the freshers and new players that wish to join, as well as kit, which we all know we need very much. 

Basically, my role as C Team Mum will be renamed as C Team Manager. This team has given me so many memories and experiences and becoming C Team Manager would be an honour.