Election post


Hi, I’m Felix, and I’m running for FinTech Society’s VP of Research position!

As a Public Policy correspondent and First-Year representative of the UCL FinTech Review, I have hugely enjoyed creating and promoting the publication’s original content. As VP of Research, I hope to build on the FTR’s success through the following agenda.

  • Engagement: The FTR publishes seven articles at once, each half term. I will replace this with a weekly publication. Requiring no additional correspondent commitment, my new cycle will reduce and standardise editorial workload and create consistent output from the review, boosting its engagement. I aim to publish original content every week for over 80% of terms 1 and 2. 
  • Marketing: I will collaborate with FinTech’s marketing division to produce a weekly email newsletter promoting the FTR’s latest content. Combined with an increased social media presence, I hope to double average article views
  • Podcasts: I will create a bi-termly podcast overview of what the FTR has published over the last half of the term. Correspondents and editors will be invited to introduce their research and its key implications.

Having written for and promoted the FTR over the last six months and led a team that produced a top 200 EdTech iOS app in June 2021, I have the knowledge and experience to lead FinTech’s research division to new heights. I hope to have your support in doing so!