Election post


I’m Ariana, a 2nd year philosophy student. I've been Literature Editor for Era this year and have been trying to think of a way to say this without sounding exceedingly corny—I just really love Era.

I found Era last year, deep in lockdown. It was the first place I ever shared my writing, where my love of writing became part of me, what inspired me to take up poetry, and gave me the courage to share it. Era has come to define my time at UCL. 

Being Literature Editor has been an amazing learning experience and I feel has equipped me with the skills I would need in this role. I've developed a sense of what speaks to the Era audience, an appreciation of our writers’ capacity for deep reflection, and a general sense of what makes a good magazine. I have also tried to encourage anyone with an artistic aptitude to contribute to Era, and as the year has progressed have had an increasingly good response!

I see Era as a safe, nonjudgmental community, and a unique, authentic channel for any creative energy. I believe it has potential to be a source of motivation to explore this facet of imagination. One of my aims for this role is to build on the foundations laid this year, and encourage an even more diverse pool of contributors and a wider audience–from different academic, ethnic, and social backgrounds. 

I would love to take care of Era, like I did the literature section this year, and have more people fall in love with it the way I did.