Election post


Hi! I'm Rachel, a first-year studying Biomedical Engineering. I have participated in several EWB volunteering activities this year, helping to deliver workshops in local schools and promoting STEM to young children. I have gained numerous skills throughout these experiences. Being the Outreach Project Leader in the current academic year, I understood how the society works and functions and I loved the warm and inviting atmosphere Engineers Without Borders brings, hence I would love to be part of the society in the next academic year. I strongly align with the values of EWB and hope to further my contribution to this inspiring movement by running as Outreach Officer. 

As a committed individual with previous experiences in leadership roles, I believe I can become the next Outreach Officer of Engineers Without Borders. In the next academic year, I would love to focus on building more connections with local schools and delivering new workshops to classes, along with promoting this amazing society to more people.