Election post


I've been widely participating within the Electronic Music Society in my first year as First Year Rep, liasing with my peers about what makes them want to attend the society events and what we can improve upon in the near future to attain even more engagement.

I have gone to every EMS event and social, and try to engage with the society members and culture as much as I can - as I am truly passionate about this society, and its future. This enthusiasm will be no different in the coming year if I was to be elected as Head of Events, and I would put as much effort into my role as I could to progress the society onwards beyond its already increasing path.

Within this role I would aim to tackle some issues that are endemic to the music industry as a whole, namely represenation of women, PoC, and LGBT+ individuals. I'd like to have a push for many interactive socials early in the academic year, to get as many people as comfortable and familiar with their peers in the society, so that all people within the society are more likely to take on daunting challenges such as trials. With a wider pool of people attending trials I hope the future EMS event line-ups can be diverse and representative of every background. 

Thank you for your consideration, hope to see you next year.

Robin Stewart