Election post


Effective Altruism UCL has had a fantastic year. Our society has welcomed over 150 new members and seen over 40 students successfully engage with our fellowships. As the lead organiser for events, I’ve helped the society successfully host 10+ speaker events, which has included researchers from Google’s Deep Mind and the CEO of the world’s most effective Global Health Charity. In hosting these events, we have ensured students learn about exciting and plausible ways they can make a difference.

I am extremely proud of what our society has achieved so far, and as I move into my third (and final year!), I would like to continue supporting our society. As Welfare Officer my priority will be ensuring UCL EA remains an open and welcoming space for each member. I will proactively deal with any welfare issues and ensure that as EA UCL engages in open and constructive discussions on how best to do good, all members feel respected.

In addition to this, I will ensure our members receive greater support as they seek impactful careers. I want to give them relevant opportunities to develop career capital and boost their CVs. To do this I aim to find and promote useful internships and research opportunities, while also working with EA organisations such as 80,000 hours to provide careers workshops and resources.