Election post


As simple as it sounds, being treasurer of a successful Debating Society is one of the more technical roles. You need to be in constant communication with the rest of the committee, particularly the President and the Training Officers, to ensure we can register and pay for all the events we want to attend on time, Allocating funds effectively between registration fees, competition budgets, and general running costs is a delicate balance, and should be ideally approached with a certain level of experience and responsibility. 


I’m currently one of the Training Officers for the society. If you’ve been to Thursday Trainings, you’ve probably seen me in the background, doing background things. In my opinion, the society runs as smoothly as it can mostly because of the work done in the background. Over the past year, I’ve tried my best to ensure trainings run smoothly, allocations are done efficiently, and the society is represented as best as possible externally. I’ve learned a lot, and I have a lot more left to give. 


My top priority given the opportunity would be to ensure every member at the end of the year has had the best time they possibly could have (of course while running the society as efficiently as I can financially).