Election post


Hi! I’m Sophie and I’m running for Treasurer this year. My time at UCL would absolutely not have been the same without Dance Soc and I’ve loved being on committee this year as Communications officer. So, I’d like to submit my nomination for Treasurer so that I can do it all again for my final year here ;’)

Being Comms officer required me to know all the events going on at Dance Soc, which means I will be prepared for the upcoming year. I think I'm well suited to the role because I am organised and enjoy doing all the admin tasks which are needed behind the scenes. I’ve had experience running large conferences in the past and ensuring all the admin and finances are in order. I’ve also worked closely with Vicky this year, so I know that it's a big responsibility but seeing her dedication has made me committed to do the same! Having been on the Freshers’ show prod team I think it’s important to promote the show early and get as many people involved as possible since it will be among their first experiences of dance soc.

I've spoken to some other society Treasurers this year and have ideas to secure even bigger and better sponsors so that Dance Soc members can receive greater benefits. As Treasurer I’ll also make a calendar of when all of the forms need to be submitted for various events and purchases so that things are done in time and the committee aren’t panic messaging each other in the middle of the night about whether T shirts have arrived!