Election post


Hi, I’m Maheem Imran and I’m nominating myself for the role of Head of Marketing of Computer Science Society (CSS). CSS is one of the things I am most grateful for as a second-year Computer Science student. Starting my undergraduate degree in the pandemic, it was a challenge to meet coursemates and make friends. Our cohort utilized the facility of zoom calls to meet and get to know each other virtually. Since we did not have in-person lectures at all, we had to plan meetups and calls to stay in touch with and meet each other.

In my second year, I was glad to see that CSS organized all of these meetups which I feel are very important and helped me form valuable connections. Although I wasn’t on the committee for the first year of CSS, I helped organize events like the hackathon and the social and I enjoyed doing this and therefore I am applying to be on the committee.

I have been the media and marketing officer of Pakistan society for the last 2 years and therefore have experience in content creation, promoting, and organizing events. I was also the president of the IT and Science clubs in my school. All of these experiences have provided me with the creative and teamwork skills required for this post.

If elected, I hope to utilize the CSS social media to promote the society and its events, reach out to speakers and potential sponsors, and share opportunities for Computer Science students. Thank you for reading my manifesto.