Election post


Hi! My name is Prasham Jadhwani and I’m running for Head of Events at UCL CSS. 

Events are a definitive part of a society’s culture and are essentially opportunities where students can form lifelong friendships, make valuable connections and also receive invaluable career advice from industry professionals. The UCL Computer Science Society provided us with some of the most exciting and meaningful events this year and I believe I can take this one step further in the upcoming year. 

As Head of Events, I would aim to provide students with multiple opportunities to enrich their learning and enhance their university experience through collaborative networking. In the upcoming year I would like to bring together a plethora of social events and career events by partnering with other societies within UCL and expanding our reach. With my experience as First Year Representative at the UCL Engineering Society, I believe I have the necessary leadership, organizational and interpersonal skills to expand the visibility of the society within UCL and across universities in the UK. 

We have gone too long without a departmental society and I believe it is time we look to make the UCL CSS even more representative of the culture of learning, enrichment & experience that defines our department.

So vote for me if you have the same vision for the society as I do !