Election post


? Hi everyone! I am Luyu. Please vote for me if you think I'm qualified for this role! Thank you! ?

? >> My qualities and abilities for becoming the head of publicity:

- Publicity Expertise: skilled at producing videos, posters, articles...

- Great passion and time management: Produced 30+sets of posters, 10+articles, and successfully led 1 team and a project this year.

- Abundant experience and outstanding skills in leadership and management:

   The head of publicity and broadcast (3 yrs); The leader of volunteering club (2 yrs), expanding the group from 10 to 150+ ppl in half a year with high participation rate.

- A leadership style that strikes a balance between work completion and members’ satisfaction. Always willing to communicate and listen to the voice of the members.

>> My commitment and vision for the future development (If elected): 

-  General commitment: I will take responsibility for the work of the department and members’ satisfaction, constantly reflect and innovate.

-  A successful reform of dept: My active participation this year allowed me to perceive the root of frictions at work, and I designed a new workflow based on my experience to improve work efficiency and members’ satisfaction under hybrid model.

I would continue actively participate in this dept no matter if I am elected or not. Thanks for reading this!