Election post


I write with great pleasure to you to nominate myself for the position as Head of Liaison and public relations. I believe that I am a strong candidate as I possess fine communication, decision-making, and team leading skills.

The liaison department acts as a bridge between businesses and CSSA and a cable between departments within CSSA. I have collaborated with the Sports department in organizing a skiing event in Edinburgh. Together with my colleagues, we bring the needs of the Sports department to K traveling travel agency and discussed to settle on travel itineraries, pricing, accommodation, and transportation. I have worked with the Charity department to pack ‘Health packages’ (masks and medicines) donated by organizations in china in aid of Chinese students in pandemic times. I have outreached and negotiated with 5 restaurants in London to provide discounts for CSSA members. I have successfully negotiated with Wall Street Tequila to provide sponsorship for 2022 Chinese New Year gala.

I have had a challenging and substantial year working with amazing colleagues in the Liaison department. My interpersonal and collaborative skills have progressed so as I become more assertive in decision making and team leading. I have a clear vision of what liaison department is and should be and I see the future potential it could achieve. I hope I have displayed my capabilities and contributions effectively and I sincerely appreciate your support.