Election post


Hi Everyone!

My name is Disha and I am currently a second year BASc student. Throughout my time at UCL, I have always contributed to Cheese Grater and other UCL magazines and this year I am running for the Zine Editor. Grater Expectations is a great way for students to express themselves, talk about feminist issues they care about and showcase UCL's literary creativity. I want to continue the great work this Zine and the Journal have done so far and hold up its high standards, and I believe I am the right person to do this!

My previous writing and editing work includes working as a blog editor for UCL's Gen Fem and Climate Action Societies as well as writing for local Zines and newspapers. These experiences have taught me so much, especially collaboration with writers to ensure the submissions can reach their full potential! 

As Zine Editor, my vision is to continue the work of Cheese Grater and incorporate more elements to the Zine such as interviews, curations and reviews. Similarly, by continuing collaborations with other UCL societies, I aim to further these connections through more collaborative writing socials! However, my main goal as the Zine Editor will be to ensure that the zine flourishes and produces striking pieces, poetry and art which will have an impact on the student body at UCL. I am inspired and excited to take on this position and I hope you guys consider me for your vote!

Cheers x