Election post
I have really enjoyed being on committee this year and would like to continue this as RUMSBC Treasurer in 2022/23. A large part of being Social Secretary was monetary based, organising tours, welcome events, sorting money for UH events and weekly socials – experience and skills which are transferable and essential for the treasurer role. Successful organisation of both man/tit and main tour required careful tracking of money in and out of the account, adhering to deadlines and swift problem-solving. I have been quick to respond to members queries and to provide appropriate solutions/information, something I would continue in my new role if elected.
This past year I have liaised with other committee members and external companies whilst demonstrating my time management and organisational skills, qualities that are crucial for a good treasurer. I have shown my commitment to the club in both a rowing and social capacity over the last three years, have regularly attended committee meetings, relevent discussion groups and training. I am aware of time commitment and duties required of the BC treasurer and look forward to undertaking this. I hope to continue the smooth running of boat club and to increase transparency with club finances through termly updates to let members know what their membership pays for.