Election post


Hello, boys, girls, non-binary bros and boatfreaks. I’m Maddy: current 3rd year, 2nd year rower (& cox!).

I’m at the boathouse practically all the time so even if you haven’t seen me, chances are you’ve heard me screeching about boats or my maniacal laughter. I’ve been on committee for a year now as assboat and now, very originally, I’m going for social sec. I’d say I’m qualified for this because I’m well fun, I’ve participated in my fair share of clubcest and I’ve been at essentially every social this year.

Hopefully a friendly face to Novices (though not as friendly as some) and a familiar one to Seniors, my aim for next year would be to continue on with Maddie (and Sam?)’s excellent work of making the club more inclusive with a variety of new and different socials to drag us further out of our COVID hangover, into calmer waters as well as creating more inter-crew events for maximum club bonding. The avoidance of more pizza-gates and introduction of less-drinking-heavy, activity-based events are my main ports of call along with a focus on fresher integration, working closely with the novice captains. Boat club has been a really fun (if entirely chaotic) consistency in my life and my goal is to pass on those funky, fresh community vibes and love of the club onto some new blood.

Vote for me to bring back the ginger social secs and keep the Social Sec Maddie legacy alive.