Election post


Hello garcons and garconettes I’m Lewis from Manchester (Warrington) a current 2nd year who wants to spend his 3rd year organising events to fuel the meme pages

This year I have gone full send into boat club attending almost all outings and socials and it’s something I haven’t regretted. I’ve got to know the seniors well having been puffed twice failing both times.Known to the novices as the guy who drank from the mouldy sock on tour if I haven’t met you yet come say hi, I promise I’m not like the other 2nd year boys. My qualifications include having the same accent as “northern workmen” which has it benefits when organising events as people take pity on me and give me a discount which will benefit us all. My aims for the club are to keep trying new things whilst maintaining the core values of RUMSBC. Offering up a variety of drinking and non-drinking team-based socials to help bring in a large cohort of freshers that keep coming back to keep our novice captains busy. Vote for me for the return of the ginger social secs and BTW I have a very fast pint.



- Organised clear plan of the social events at the start of each term

- I will encourage discussion on what is wanted/ could be improved

- Bring new activities/games to sports night and also tour that caters to everyone

- Maximise Crew bonding and overall community spirt within the club

- Ensure boat club remains a safe and fun environment