Election post


Hi, I’m Kira and would love to be your next Senior Women’s Captain! I’ll be going into my 3rd year so I hope to dedicate the extra time to ensuring that each and every member gets the most out of training, all while having fun! I learnt to row at school and hope to share my passion and knowledge of the sport with both new and established members of the Senior Women’s squad. To add to my prior experience, I’ve learnt a lot this year: not only am I now a qualified launch driver, but I’ve completed a full racing calendar so I know how to optimise our training throughout the season. As Vice Captain, I’ve gained an appreciation of everything it takes to plan and execute successful outings each week. I also loved having the opportunity to run circuits on occasion, with one particular highlight being the This Girl Can circuit which I organised in conjunction with the SU and our committee.To boost inclusivity and motivation, I want to incorporate a club-wide incentive to attend circuits and log training with an ongoing inter-family competition (exclusive prize tbc). I’d also love to host a Women’s Wellbeing social in term 1 for some relaxed bonding and a chance to polish our braiding abilities. Regular external coaching and holding a Small Boats Day are also aspirations of mine. Since joining RUMSBC I’ve never looked back. With your vote, I cannot wait to get more involved and give back to the members that make this club so great!