Election post


I never expected RUMSBC to become such a big part of my life, and yet here we are, in the lead up to UH head, suffering through the Von Spreckelsen test thinking, "I thought the 2k test was hard enough!'. Thanks, Josh Mulligan. 

More seriously, I can't believe how much I've come to love this club. The amount of dedication and drive its members have to keep it running, keep us safe and keep us performing is impressive. Through the role of Media and Comms officer, I'd love to capture more of the beautiful moments I've seen over my (barely) 5 months old membership and represent RUMSBC at its best. Because RUMSBC isn't just about rowing, it's about taking some time back from our busy lives to experience life, rallying together, and supporting each other through all the peaks and lows of medical school. You might think, "what is he on about" - I found I&D hard, ok?

I know how important Social Media was to us freshers. Not knowing which club to join or who to ask for advice was daunting at first, but seeing posts on Instagram and Facebook convinced us to get up and give it a go. That's because RUMSBC looked like the place to be, looked fun, and felt warm and inviting. If you vote for me, I'll try my very best to nurture this image, inspire others and extract as much joy as I can from Saturday mornings. Even the rainy ones, at 8 am.

So, I know I'm new, but give me a chance! I can't wait to help this club, and I promise I'll make your vote worthwhile.