Election post


RUMSBC has given me the chance to become a cox, which is something I didn't see happening when I was younger! Having learnt a lot from previous Cox Captains, I feel that it is my turn to lead the growing group of coxes in our club. If you vote for me, I will:

1) Work to recruit new coxes into the club. I will especially target those who haven't necessarily rowed before. I will endeavour to train them up to the highest standards, ensuring that they are confident in all aspects of the Tideway. I will accompany them on their outings until they are confident and provide video feedback.

2) Implement cox feedback sessions after every outing. Each crew should let their cox know what they liked and how they can improve- even novice crews! Encouraging this in novice crews will ensure this becomes commonplace in future years.

3) Termly meetings with each cox to assess how the term has gone: any problems, positives and future aspirations are all acknowledged. This will be a great time to highlight the development and growth of the coxes over an extended period. 

I am highly committed to any role that I sign up for. This year, I helped the current cox captain with outing plans and racing logistics, meaning that I have experience in the role already.  I had a great year in the Media and Comms role and hope to keep making changes in the club.

Vote Abena for Cox Captain :)