Election post

I love listening to the stories of others. It motivated me to give a speech on minority representation, colonization, and climate change in one of the climate strikes back in Canada. I listened to the stories of the indigenous people of Canada and amplified them to prove the racial injustice of climate change. I also delivered their narratives through social media and articles. Since then, I have actively sought BME narratives in the process of colonization and decolonization. I will bring my communication skill, responsibility, and attentiveness to this role. I am ready to learn more.
As a bridge between BME students and the UCL community, I hope to support BME students to feel more included in the community. More importantly, I will make sure that the voice and the narratives of BME students are delivered to the executive body of UCL SU. I plan to achieve these by being open-minded to new ideas and voices and organizing various events to make BME students feel more welcomed and included. I want to open more opportunities for BME students to participate in campus activities and shape the campus environment.
As a BME or a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) student, I experienced difficulties adapting and assimilating. I eventually became part of my new community, and these challenges became part of my growth and experience. It also means I am aware of deep-rooted social, economic, political inequalities. I am ready to amplify these issues to the executive body. I have my own story of hardships, and I am eager to share others’ stories with those not aware of these stories. We have come a long way, but we have a long way to go. I am ready to contribute to the next steps we must take.