Election post


Hi there!

I am a current first year in Biological Sciences, and I would love to become the Biopharmaceutical Society Welfare Officer for the coming year!

In this role, I would aim to make sure the experience of all members of the society is enjoyable by taking on all feedback and efficiently relaying it back to the committee. Then I would hope to implement the suggested changes in order for members to feel included and appreciated. I will also constantly look out for the mental health of all members of the society and direct them towards appropriate UCL well-being services when necessary.

My role as a school council representative in high school will assist me in this role, as I have experience in collecting the concerns of my year group, and effectively addressing them following liaising with school leaders. I hope to transfer the skills I developed into this role as well.

All in all, I hope to make Biopharmaceutical Society a place where everyone can feel welcome. Thank you for reading and I hope you will vote for me in the role of Welfare Officer.