Election post


Hi! I’m Aminah and I’m a Biomedical Sciences student who will be in their final year for next year. I joined BMLSoc at the start of this academic year and I’ve enjoyed learning about the external factors that intertwine with science and medicine. As Vice President, I want to continue to be a part of this society’s growth so that we can welcome as many people as possible!

Being a committee member this year as the Marketing and Publicity Officer has allowed me to understand the commitment and characteristics required to contribute effectively to BMLSoc. I believe you need to be organised, proactive and most of all, friendly! In my committee role, I’ve shown my ability to communicate effectively and do tasks with short notice- both skills that I’ll apply well as VP!

This society is about providing an encouraging environment when discussing pressing issues and as your VP, I would focus on providing this friendly environment. I would work with others to organise events that allow us to talk about relevant issues in an informal way, for example with more movie nights! I’m approachable and able to collaborate with others, meaning that I would help others with their roles. As VP, you need to be there for committee members as well as the rest of the society and I think my openness to others means that I can do this well. 

Thanks for considering me! No matter what, I look forward to what BMLSoc brings next year and hopefully I can contribute to it!