Election post


Hi everyone!

My name is Ambrine Pirbay-Katchera. I am a second year Philosophy, Politics and Economics student and I am running for the position of Head of Welfare and Research.

I am currently a researcher for the Climate Crisis project here at the Bentham Brooks Institute. This experience has provided me with a first-hand understanding of the research programme, which will allow me to do a good job as Head of Welfare and Research.

If elected, I aim to:

Participate in the development of the research programme by:

  • Speeding up the recruitment process of researchers
  • Improving the provision of workshops on quantitative and qualitative methods to give our researchers the best tools possible for their research
  • Supporting our researchers at every stage of the research process

Ensure the wellbeing of our members by:

  • Expanding the opportunities available for our members and researchers to meet each other by organising social events
  • Organising wellbeing events for our members to help them cope with, among others, deadline anxiety
  • Always being available to anyone who needs support or just wants to chat

I hope you will trust with your vote!
