Election post


I am Nadia, a second-year psychology undergraduate student from Singapore. In the past 2 years that I have been a member of the Behavioural Innovations Society, I was exposed to the amazing field of behavioural science, built connections with like-minded individuals, and was able to give back to the UCL community through our research projects. I was a part of the student well-being applied project in collaboration with UCL Project Active in my first year and have been the co-team lead for the second phase of this project in my second year. As the BIS Welfare Officer, I have been working with the mental health society to organise a mental well-being event for Mental Health Awareness Week in May. Attending mental health workshops have also enabled me to learn more about advocating for and raising awareness about the importance of mental wellness. I believe that my passion for both behavioural science and mental health makes me a great fit for this position. Some of my prior experience in the area of mental health includes volunteering with the Institute of Mental Health in Singapore, internships in a mental health clinic and special education schools, and creating a mindfulness programme for children. I hope to gain your support for me to continue serving in this role for the next academic year. I intend to promote an open environment to discuss mental health topics as well as organise more well-being events. Thank you in advance for your support!