Election post


I have loved playing for the 2s this year and feel that the experience has given me a good insight into how uclwb teams are run. With a variety of leadership experience under my belt (for example Head of Day girls at my secondary school) alongside playing in teams throughout my life (for example, basketball, dance, and x-country) I feel equipped to take on a captain role - following my ethos of leading 'from within'. In my opinion, the best captains should be both fully integrated in the team, and confident enough in their knowledge and capabilities to assert themselves in the group. As an enthusiastic and committed member of the 2s, with a good baseline knowledge of drills, plays etc. (having grown up playing basketball) I believe I would be a good fit. During my time as social sec I have further shown myself to be friendly and organised. These are important qualities for any captain, but particularly one who works so closely with a co-captain and coach. Together with them, I’d focus on developing not only the team at large, but each individual team player; in doing so, I think we’d be able to build upon the success we’ve had this year. Motivated by the enjoyment I’ve had playing in uclwb so far, and my drive towards team and club development, I’d love the opportunity to take the 2s to new heights!