Election post


After my first year in UCLWB, I knew that I wanted to be a team captain at some point, and I think that now, after two years of being president and one  welfare officer is the perfect time for me to do it – albeit in a different way: being vice-captain.

Having played basketball for 16 years gives me a good knowledge of the game and team dynamics, which will help me in this position. Additionally, I have captained some of my teams in the past, as well as led different volunteering groups, which I think has taught me the necessary leadership skills for the role.

More importantly, I have a lot of experience working in the UCLWB committee, which will be invaluable. Some things that will be especially helpful include having organised the 2020 Varsity and having led the club for two seasons, which will help with the admin side of the role.

Some of my aims for the season include organising our competitive teams' participation in Les Parisiennes tournament, getting the team into the TeamUCL high-performance programme, and getting the team to finish the season at the top of the tables.

In summary, my experience in basketball and in UCLWB will help me in the role. I believe this, together with my ambitions for next season, make me a great candidate to be a vice-captain for the 1st team. On a more personal note, I would really enjoy being vice-captain, as it would allow me to keep giving back to a club that has meant everything to me since I joined in my first year.