Election post



My name is Felix Pang and I’m standing to be your Sponsorship Officer of the Basketball Club for the academic year 2022/2023.


With funding and budgeting being such an immense aspect of keeping the UCL Men’s Basketball Club running smoothly, landing sponsorships whether small or large could potentially ease the financial burden that the Club experiences.


Being president and vice president for multiple societies in my previous school presented me with tasks in which I had to contact individuals and companies to assist in activities regarding these societies. As such, I have experienced and performed under situations in which I was entrusted to network with these associates, and am no stranger to being put into that position once again.


As the Sponsorship Officer, as the name suggests, I would strive to gain sponsorships from different companies via reaching out through a multitude of different social media platforms. Furthermore, with proficiency in the English Language, all communications sent through various sites would be up to a professional and of distinct standard.