Election post


I'm Maisy, a 2nd year studying Bsc Architecture. As someone who spent their entire first year of architecture halfway across the world, I understand the mental toll that feeling isolated and separated can cause students. We're in a unique place where although a majority of our time is spent surrounded by other students, we dedicate endless hours to working that it's easy to forget what life outside architecture is like. Therefore, I strongly believe in the value of establishing an environment where people can come together through meaningful and relaxing events to establish a community beyond the studio. 

If elected, I aim to run a variety of small regular activities and larger end of term events catered to students across the Bartlett that can provide a short break from our hectic schedules. I'm excited to help people create a stronger work-life balance that I often struggled to maintain through interactive field trips (not only related to architecture), activities like much needed coffee/snack breaks that can easily fit within a busy day of work, and other social events/workshops that encourage students to get to know people outside their program or even beyond the Bartlett. 

The society has a huge potential to improve the mental health and wellbeing of students and I hope as an events officer, I can help decrease some of the immense stress and pressure a lot of us face to make spending all day at the Bartlett a more fun and enjoyable experience!