Election post


University can be a difficult place. Between balancing academic work, sports and a social life, it can be a lot to handle. However, since joining Barbell at the start of the year I have not only become obsessed with strength sports but also felt welcomed into a great group of people.

I want to get involved with the committee so that I can shape the future of the club to help as many others as possible get into lifting and to enjoy their experience with Barbell as much, if not more, than I have.

As secretary, I will work with other committee members to put on events to enhance both the social and sporting lives of the club’s members. Another focus of mine will be to better integrate the club into the wider Team UCL, working on collaborations with other sports societies. Lastly, I am very aware of the issues surrounding inclusivity within the fitness space, and will work to resolve these issues until Bloomsbury Fitness and the Barbell Club are both spaces within which all members can feel safe and supported - regardless of gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Your vote matters,

Farhan x