Election post


Hello! I’m Joel Muhangi. I study Engineering and Architectural Design and I am running for the role of Marketing officer for the Barbell Club. I initially joined the barbell club off a whim in the year 2020-21. Even whilst the pandemic was ongoing at those times, I still enjoyed being a part of the club’s community. As of this year, I have really found a passion for powerlifting which has driven me to want to be a part of the 2022-23 committee as the club’s marketing officer. I am a person that heavily enjoys creativity and also a big part of why I believe I am well suited for this role. You could say I am a creative hobbyist with most of my hobbies revolving around creative arts. Some of my hobbies are traditional and digital illustrations and photography, both quite well suited for this role. I understand the role of a marketing officer requires one to attend events and also document them which is one of many tasks I find exciting about this role. On that note thank you for reading and hope to be a part of your 2022-23 committee.