Election post


Hi I'm Aisha and I'll be running for Social Sec next academic year!

After spending a year on committee as mixed team captain I would like to use my experience organising team socials towards the entirety of the club! I'd plan to carry on the tradition of iconic sports nights, fun socials and tour but more importantly I'd like to bridge the gap between the team members and social members. I believe badminton is an extremely inclusive and fun club and through promoting intermingling from both the team and social members, we can have a great year together. I plan to do this by organising big socials like dinners, pub crawls and even wholesome non-alcoholic socials so no-one feels left out!

Being social sec requires organisation, creative thinking and enthusiasm, all qualities which I believe I possess. With the world slowly going back to pre-pandemic vibes, I am eager to organise the best possible social experiences for all members.

RUMS Badminton has been an incredibly important part of my university experience where I met amazing people and had wonderful experiences. I'd love to have the chance to emulate this experience for new members as well as current ones.