Election post


Hi all ? 

My name is Mai and I’m running for Treasurer (and acting vice president). Here are the reasons why you should vote for me ?: 

I’m the current treasurer for the 5th largest sports society at UCL, which means I have vast experience in handling society funds. I know how to fill out the appropriate payment forms and track costs/expenditures using Excel. For said society, I ran and taught taster sessions, demonstrating my organization and leadership skills.  

UCLasiansocialnetwork society holds a special place in my heart as it’s where I met some of my closest friends, it provided an environment where I can meet like-minded people who shared the same experiences. I want you to give back to this society, I am confident that I can be a good treasurer as well as vice president.

I have lots of ideas to better the society, these include: 

  • Biweekly welfare socials where we all get together to paint or knit, this will be a place to de-stress and discuss any issues you may have going on 
  • Termly volunteering or charity events to raise money for world causes/ movements 
  • Starting a buddy or parent system for incoming freshers 
  • Designing and producing society merchandise- these include hoodies, pins and stickers