Election post

Hi everyone! I’m Michael, a second year Chemistry student and I’m running for President of Asian Social Network (ASN) to continue the society’s vision of being a welcoming community for students across the world.
This year, I’ve been working as Publicity Officer for ASN. I’ve been responsible for designing social media posts, as well as lending a hand with events planning and organisation. Through this role, I was able to gain insight into the inner workings of the society and I’ve loved meeting all our members! With that experience and my additional experience as Treasurer of Mahjong Society where I managed the society’s finances, I believe I have the leadership, organisation and communication skills required to run ASN.
As President, I would work alongside the treasurer to get sponsorships and discounts from businesses around UCL before the start of term 1, so that members can make the most of the discounts and support local businesses. In terms of events, I would host more craft events and more fun competitive events where there is a teamwork aspect involved (similar to the scavenger hunt we hosted this year). Continuing with the termly Convers-Asian series, I think the next one in autumn should be on mental health, which I feel is important. ASN has always been welcoming and I will maintain the inclusive atmosphere and sense of community.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I hope you choose me to be your next ASN President!