Election post

Tango society has been a central part of my student life so far. Joining the society as a fresher in October last year, I truly grew to love the dance and the community and would love to see it develop and grow.
Therefore, as president, I would work hard to keep the classes running smoothly, organise more social events, and work on expanding the society. In particular, I would love to organise more student tango events. For example, tango society socials, outings, student practicas etc. These would be great ways for the society members to bond and grow more confident with their dancing.
Tango is a beautiful dance yet is still not too popular amongst young people. Our UCL tango society offers the perfect opportunity to bring tango into the lives of young people. Therefore, I would love to work on maintaining a friendly and welcoming atmosphere in our society, especially for beginners.
My main goal as president will be to keep this welcoming and friendly spirit in the society so that we can expand and make the most of tango at UCL. I care about the society a lot and would love to see it continue down a bright path.