Election post


I'm Greg Cooper and I’m standing  for the role of Treasurer  within the UCL Society for the application of psychedelics. I’m into psychedelic neuroscience, drug harm reduction and bad dancing. I did my MSc at the Imperial Centre for Psychedelic Research and now I'm working on my PhD at UCL on the ‘Understanding Neuroplasticity Induced by Tryptamines' (UNITy) project. 

The continued growth of UCL SAP in terms of membership and online engagement closely parallels the surging global interest in psychedelia. This invites a fantastic opportunity to further expand the UCL  SAP platform, and provide more for the psychedelically-inclined community within UCL and London-at-large. More specifically, I believe that this involves expanding the repertoire of events with a few key aims in mind: 

i) Creating opportunities for SAP members to network with those involved in psychedelic and psychedelic-related science

ii) Hosting events to highlight the intersection of psychedelic science with culture, through art and music

iii) Collaborating with external organisations to host fundraisers for psychedelic research in UCL

In order to do so, I’m standing for the role of Treasurer, as regularly hosting such events will only be possible through careful budgeting, and an opportunistic approach towards fundraising. I’m keen to get started!