Election post


Hi, my name is Musab, and I am a first-year Mathematics student. 

When I think about the most enjoyable moments this year, I remember many of the Anisoc events that took place. From the Halloween event to the many quizzes and scribble games we had at the start of the year, I have had a blast participating in all of them. 

I consider myself flexible and organised, and believe that I have problem-solving skills, all of which I regard as necessary skills to become one of the events officers. 

I was given the opportunity to help with the Maid Café event, which made me realise that I wanted to do more than just attend events, I want to play a crucial role in developing and evolving events for Anisoc.  

Here are some of the things I hope to accomplish: 

  • Introduce more collaborations within the Niche Society Network and the LAU 
  • Bake off/Shokugeki events 
  • Sporty events (If you weebs are up to it) 
  • Going to Restaurants 
  • and of course, other suggestions that the members make 

Anisoc has been one of the main highlights during my first year of Uni and I hope I can actively help by making the new members have as entertaining an experience as I did.