Election post

Hi everyone! This is John, otherwise known as Realzzz on Discord, and I’m running for Anime Society Events Officer (again) this year!
Through my first stint as Events Officer, I’ve understood the nitty-gritty of being a part of this large of a committee and community, from how to organize collaborations, to hosting large LAU events. For this year, I’ve helped out in many collaborations from the early on Ani-Pokésoc picnic, to many of the NSN events, Bear Society, Harry Potter, as well as organizing and leading a few LAU events, including leading activities during the Halloween event and organizing the bubble tea making in Maid Café. This experience is valuable for me continuing to make Anisoc as great as it is next year, and I’m sure I can do a better job next year as well!
For next year, I want to build on the current connections that Anisoc have, especially regarding NSN and LAU, and organize more events with them, which could potentially stretch beyond the designated days that we had planned. For just the society, more variety of events could be potentially hosted, with ideas like bowling, badminton and karaoke.
The transition from Discord to in-person events has been really smooth this year, and I aim to make sure the society can build on this momentum and become even better next year. I believe that my experience would be valuable for the committee next year, hence, please vote me for Events Officer next year!