Election post


Greetings Earthnoids, I'm Goose on the discord server. Over the past year as an events officer I have worked with 21/22’s media officer Insez on a weekly basis to make sure all the events I was helping to run would be published. As such I am aware of how important it is to have a weekly schedule posted by Monday morning each week so every member knows what events are on and where they are taking place. I plan to make sure that a timetable is posted for the week at 9am Mondays sharp.

For the community side of responsibilities I’d like to bring back the Anisoc podcasts. I ran those in 220/21 so I have the necessary experience to do so. This time I’d like to focus on 10-15 minute weekly bites with a focus on getting different willing members to take part each week. This year using the power of mecha I’ve managed to bring members from QM, KCL and LSE into our discord server. I’d like to build on that wider London anime community by proposing joint weekly socials with individual LAU member universities as a form of small-scale interuni events between the big LAU events. 

On the marketing front I’d like to add a society twitter account as it's likely a more relevant outreach than facebook. I would keep posting the major events on facebook and post all weekly schedules on the discord, insta and twitter. On Sundays I’d like to start posting a collection of highlight photos and videos from community members to document our activities.