Election post


Hello everyone! I’m Raunak and running for President of Anatomy Society. As the current Treasurer and previous events director, I've been involved with the growth and development of the society over the last few years. I'd like to run for President to continue this progress and make anatomy society more inclusive, diverse and expand its reach further.

1. Diversify anatomy society more towards students from different faculties– art, history, biology etc. This would further grow the reach of anatomy society and help it expand.

2. The educational wing of UCL Anatomy Society could be expanded with small competitions like Kahoot quizzes. The presence of small prizes and enabling members to revise in a fun way could increase Anatomy Society member participation.

3. I hope to expand the research wing of Anatomy Society with partnerships with other research bodies and research groups. I would also increase the publicity of the research wing to attract a variety of students, especially with potentially publishable projects.

4. Improve ties with other Anatomy Societies. I have already been collaborating with KCL Anatomy for the past 2 years to help organise the NACU. Further cooperation could help the research and educational wings of UCL Anatomy Society.

Finally, I am always approachable and easy to get hold of. I’d be happy to hear everyone else’s suggestions and make the society even greater!