Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed

American Football is, and has been one of the most important parts of my life during the last 5 years. Over this time, I have dedicated countless hours to learning the game, and perfecting my craft. I have witnessed and aided teams in changing their culture to be more positive, encourage participation, respect and drive player growth.
I also have a wealth of experience being a leader, whether as captain on other teams, in academia, or as a member of a committee, so I understand the responsibilities that come with the role. I have trained teammates in the gym, track and at their position, improving their ability to play American football, as well as their self-belief, by showing them what they can achieve.
I am relentless in my optimism that no situation is insurmountable, and I believe that enjoying the sport is crucial as we are students first, and athletes second. This, paired with a competitive drive is instrumental for success on and off the field.
Finally I am overwhelmed by the resilience shown by the players who have joined during a difficult season, and I wish to help lead you to success as that is what you deserve. Listening to your voices and having regular feedback is key to this, as no matter how much experience I have, there is always more I can learn from you. I believe this type of leadership facilitates growth in all facets of life, and so I would lead as I like to be led: with encouragement, enthusiasm, dedication and love for the club.

Hey everyone,
We're doing things a little differently this year as Vince and I are running together for Captain. We both joined the team two years ago without any American football experience and came up through our system. We aim on helping build a team that's focused on winning while still prioritizing player needs.
Our priorities for next year:
Improving communication between coaches and players - As two people that are easy talk to, we hope players would be comfortable expressing any concerns with us without being worried about being judged.
Letting players know where they are on the depth chart and how to improve - This year players had no way of knowing where they stand on the team and what they need to work on. Through this we let them know exactly what skills they need to improve.
Reintroducing the Emperor's gym group - We used to have an Emperor's snapchat group where everyone snapped a picture whenever they went to the gym. This could incentivize people to bulk up for next season.
Emphasizing hitting more in training - We saw teams like OBU and Brighton succeed just through sheer physical contact. While I understand that might not be my forte, it's definitely crucial we all build that attitude in order to win next year.
These are just some of our ideas for next year. We'd be happy to elaborate more if you text either of us or ask any questions at our next meeting. I hope we have your vote. Thanks for taking the time to read all of this!