Election post

Hi I'm Tafadzwa a Law 1st year running for presidency.
Using the skills I acquired working as your first year rep for the ACS, paired with my connections with people across UoL, I know what people want, and have the experience and means to achieve it. Allowing us to usher the ACS into an even better year.
It is my goal to go to the lengths required to ensure a space that promotes creativity, community and a celebration of all the cultures in the society.
My aims:
- Stimulate inter-year interaction to ensure a feeling of community. Particularly between different years within similar departments to establish mentor/mentee relationships.
- Increase creative opportunities for members of the society, introducing events centred around the arts such as a Sip and Paint . Or organising networking events with members of the creative industry.
- Ensuring all members of the diaspora feel heard by curating events tailored to all parts
- Provide entertaining events and improving upon previously loved events i.e. The Roller Disco and Impulse.
Having been prefect, leadership, team work and problem solving are not foreign to me, therefore I am confident I can support all the other members in the committee in delivering all that we propose to the society.
The ACS is the society where I made the relationships that make university so enriching, and it would be my honour to give back and curate that special environment for another year.