Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed

Joining AMPSoc this year was a fascinating experience for me. I realised how much I love areas like marketing and it helped me in making prospective career plans. By nominating myself as a treasurer, I want to give back to the society and do my best to create the best possible experience for next year’s members.
Being a treasurer is a big responsibility, as it is the backbone of the society, so my organisational and communication skills I gained as a tech officer in Dance Society and as a marketing officer in Communication Society would come in handy. In addition to that, having worked with society's treasurer on multiple occasions, I'm hoping to get more funding next year using the insights I gained, so bigger and even more exciting events can be arranged.
I believe that to be an efficient team, all members should help out each other, so besides doing the society's finance, I will assist the committee with speakers' invitations and events organisation.
I am excited to get an opportunity to become a part of the AMPSoc committee next year and I'm looking forward to what is to come!